Cancellation Policy

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Auto-Renewal Terms
Subscriptions are set to automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current billing period.

How to Cancel
To cancel your subscription, follow these steps:

  • Open the Settings app on your Apple device.
  • Tap your name at the top and select Subscriptions.
  • Find the subscription for [Your App Name] and tap Cancel Subscription.
  • Your subscription will be canceled at the end of the current billing period, and you will not be charged further.

Access After Cancellation
Once canceled, you will retain access to all subscription benefits until the current billing cycle ends. Afterward, any premium features will no longer be available.

Apple handles all billing and payments for your subscription. Subscriptions cannot be refunded for the current billing period once purchased. For refund requests, visit the Apple Support Refund Page and follow their instructions.

Trial Periods (If Applicable)
If you cancel during a free trial, access to premium features will end immediately, and no charges will be incurred. Ensure you cancel at least 24 hours before the trial expires to avoid auto-renewal.

Third-Party Purchases
If your subscription was purchased through a third-party provider, please contact them directly to manage your subscription and cancellation.

If you have any issues or questions regarding your subscription, please contact our support team at